Biyernes, Oktubre 11, 2013

Serbis (film)

Some people are desperate just to live. Some people do not have other choices but to sell whatever they have. Even if it's your dignity.

Serbis is a film which some people can relate to, especially those who are in need and desperate and willing to sell their body and their dignity.

This movie is about a family who runs a prostitute service in a theater in Pampanga. All their family members are involved. And each of them has their own problems. So they are doing what they need to do, to become desperate.

Mowelfund is Fun.

September 27, 2013 we went to Mowellfund Museum in Cubao, Quezon City. The place is great and there is a lot of unique and interesting stuff about the film industry then and now.
We had a lot of fun going there since we are mass communication students, we are much aware of what we were seeing in the museum and became more interested about film.

Philippine film history is very interesting. I liked the settings of the stuff in the museum because it is very legit and some of them are the actual things that some of the movies in Philippine history used.

We enjoyed it.

Also, there is a room for Fernando Poe, Jr. I think it's amazing because they collected and kept it in one room for FPJ and they really made it good. 

Outside the museum or the garden, it's great beca
use all of the artists pictures are there and we really enjoyed it because it's fun to take pictures with actors and actresses and made fun with it. Also, some of the tv shows and films were also there and it's amazing.