Linggo, Pebrero 16, 2014

Apparatus Theory

Apparatus Theory
Ideology is part of the cinema's nature

Apparatus Theory is Ideological and is based more on Ideas, structuralism, semiotics, psycho-analystic, Marxist theory. Also is based on the camera and the editing of a film.

Miyerkules, Nobyembre 20, 2013

Film, cinema 102

Film criticism
Film criticism is not just the way how you like the movie, it's not just like "I like the movie," "the movie was great" like that. But it is how well the film has been.
Film critics or film reviewers focus on the main topic, how the story goes, how the editing has been or how good the execution.

Feminist Theory
Feminist theory aims to understand the nature of gender inequality and the promotion of women's interest.

According to wikipedia, Film theory is often dominated by feminism being played a major antagonist side of the film or made fun of. Feminists have taken many different approaches to the analysis of cinema.  These include discussions of the function of women characters in particular film narratives or in particular genres, such as film noir, where a female character can often be seen to embody a subversive exuality that is dangerous to males and is ultimately punished with death.

Last semester, we took the subject cinema101 wherein we watched a lot classic films such as film noir that has the feminist theory. The movie "Body Heat" is one of the examples of a feminist film.

Gender Studies
Gender studies, as what I have learned is about sexuality, obviously. All different types of gender, boy, girl, gay or lesbian. In film, it is not a problem, it can actually  be a big help.
Different kinds of gender, different kind of film.

Performance Theory
This theory deals with how the actors and actresses do their job, acting. They have to execute their role without disappointing people, they have to give their audience the satisfaction. Good actors, more audiences.

Spectatorship Theory
When we watch a film or a movie, sometimes we can't avoid thinking that the story relates to us. It's like we are part of the story in that film. Because that is what Spectatorship Theory is about. They want to make films that relate people so that they can make a lot of audiences.

Ethnic Theory
Ethnic theory is about racism. It deals with the people to unite and stop racism. Because all of us are equal. Even when you're black or white, all of us should be treated right and equal and respect others.

Auteur Theory
In film criticism, auteur theory holds that a director's film reflects the director's personal creative vision, as if they were the primary "auteur" (the French word for "author"). In spite of—and sometimes even because of—the production of the film as part of an industrial process, the auteur's creative voice is distinct enough to shine through all kinds of studio interference and through the collective process.

Biyernes, Oktubre 11, 2013

Serbis (film)

Some people are desperate just to live. Some people do not have other choices but to sell whatever they have. Even if it's your dignity.

Serbis is a film which some people can relate to, especially those who are in need and desperate and willing to sell their body and their dignity.

This movie is about a family who runs a prostitute service in a theater in Pampanga. All their family members are involved. And each of them has their own problems. So they are doing what they need to do, to become desperate.

Mowelfund is Fun.

September 27, 2013 we went to Mowellfund Museum in Cubao, Quezon City. The place is great and there is a lot of unique and interesting stuff about the film industry then and now.
We had a lot of fun going there since we are mass communication students, we are much aware of what we were seeing in the museum and became more interested about film.

Philippine film history is very interesting. I liked the settings of the stuff in the museum because it is very legit and some of them are the actual things that some of the movies in Philippine history used.

We enjoyed it.

Also, there is a room for Fernando Poe, Jr. I think it's amazing because they collected and kept it in one room for FPJ and they really made it good. 

Outside the museum or the garden, it's great beca
use all of the artists pictures are there and we really enjoyed it because it's fun to take pictures with actors and actresses and made fun with it. Also, some of the tv shows and films were also there and it's amazing.

Biyernes, Setyembre 6, 2013

The Time Traveler's Wife

I just love this movie. It actually made me cry.
Let me just tell you a short summary about this movie. Well, it is based in a novel that was written by Audrey Niffenegger..
Well, there is Henry, a librarian who has a genetic disorder that make him travel into different years. Time travel as what we say. As he tries to have a romantic relationship with Clare. Well, you can really tell they're having a hard relationship. One moment you are together, then he will suddenly disappear.

But love conquers all.  In spite of their situation, they fought for it. They still continue their relationship even though one moment Henry will just disappear and get back out of nowhere, they don't know when or where. Until they got married. 

But someone has to go and never get back.. Who do you think would that one be? Well, yes, the time traveler himself. Henry will suddenly go to the future and sadly sees himself lying on the floor with a shot and will eventually die. 

I recommend you to watch this awesome movie, you will not regret it. Nothing will bore and you will really focus in the story once you have started watching.
Its a combination science fiction and romance.
So here's the trailer! )

Film Noir

Film Noir is a genre involved into violence, danger, grudge, crimes and things like that. It is always in Black and White. It is the main thing of Film Noir.

We have watched this film entitled "Body Heat" and it totally is a Film Noir. I have posted a reflection about this movie in my previous posts and I hope you make some time reading it so you would understand my opinion.
 As what I have said, Film Noir is more of tragedic, deadly and grudge in scenes. It is more of effects like the fog (like in the movie "Body Heat"), Night effects, and so they shoot and make their films usually in night time.

German Expressionism

German Expressionism opposing the reality. Which is likely to fiction that the generation has now. Except, we are more technological and more improved. The actors and the actresses are exaggerated in acting and in make-up. 

Some example of German Expressionism are:

The  Student of Prague

The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari
