The Classic Hollywood Style developed a style of story-teller that captured the whole world. American cinema is great with fairytales. It is always narrative. Most love stories were made to have unhappy endings, it usually has tragedies. The couples usually do not end up being together. Love stories depended over obstacles. A romance interwined with a more generic one such as business. One great example of a love story that was made in 1943 is "Casa Blanca" produced by Warner Brothers. The only permissible manipulation of time in this format is the flashback. It is mostly used to introduce a memory sequence of a character.
Love stories usually have the satisfying sadness that everyone feels and it was by influenced by the older love stories.
The key film is the emotion in custom drama which is the age of innocence. American film is story and narrative. Grand style of story-telling developed. The hollywood style became as a studio type. They had huge department, they never did it alone. The first thing they are looking at is how the actress act and how they look. The only difference in studio system is that they actually designed all and is much more efficient.
In cameras, if you choose the camera angle, it is the only camera angle. Style has broad. The style that they get what they want. he film should be of course interesting for the first hour so that the viewers will continue and focus what will happen at the end and falling in the ground.
Most Hollywood love stories have happy endings. It was only the opinion of one director, I think it was Sidney Pollack, who said that people tend to remember more the love stories where the couple did not end up together. His examples were Casablanca and The Way We Were, a film he directed.